Restorative Yoga as Therapy? A holistic approach to wellness.

Think back to the last time you felt panicked - what did it feel like? Well, your heart was probably beating at a million miles per minute, you might have felt hot flashes, had trouble catching your breath, felt light-headed or dizzy, and you had a nauseous feeling in your stomach you just couldn't shake. These symptoms describe what an anxiety attack can feel like, and chances are, if this is something you've experienced, you don't want it to happen again. But for some who are diagnosed with anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, and others - this is something that you've experienced a lot.

Regardless if you have a diagnosis or not, everyone experiences some level of anxiety at some point in their lives. Whether it's anxiety over taking an exam, doing a presentation, or getting a performance review at work - everyone can relate to how it feels.

What if I told you there was an easy and low-effort way to reduce anxiety? Now, what if I told you this same thing also would help improve your sleep, help you relax, improve your mood, and even help with pain? Chances are you'd be interested in learning more about it.

Restorative Yoga is a type of yoga that encourages mental, physical, and emotional relaxation. It is low-intensity and focuses on stillness and deep breathing. This type of yoga can be done anywhere as it only requires a floor and a prop such as a block or blanket. It is popular as it can be done at any time during the day and does not have a specified time limit. This means you can do it during a break at work, before bed, to start your morning, or anytime you prefer.

Benefits of Restorative Yoga Include...

• Helps us practice conscious relaxation.

• Discover where we are holding tension.

• Boost Relaxation Response.

• Facilitates inner reflection.

How Does it Work?

Restorative Yoga works to relax the parasympathetic nervous system (aka the "rest and digest" part of our nervous system). Doing so helps the body rest, and heal, and allows you to calm your mind completely, restoring your body to a balance. This type of yoga focuses on longer holds, stillness, and deep breathing. It can facilitate internal reflection and help us to transform the negative thinking that reinforces anxiety and depression. Doing this helps the body slow breathing, reduce blood pressure, and increase overall well-being. It is widely noted for its mental health benefits, which is why it is commonly used in addition to traditional therapy treatment to holistically assess the issue(s).

With its benefits in relaxation, it can be used for a variety of problems such as...

• Sleep disturbances

• Difficulty relaxing

• Anxiety

• Mood

• Pain

In addition to being good for your mental health, Restorative Yoga has also been cited widely for its health benefits. It can lower cortisol, increase immunity, and promote digestion. Many people widely cite yoga for providing a “pause” to their day as it allows you to slow down the pace of life. Perhaps your day is often chaotic and filled with little breaks. For example, if you are a working parent who has to think about a million things all at once – it can leave little room for calm. But Restorative Yoga is an excellent opportunity to pause and disconnect from the chaos of everyday life.

Popular Poses for Calming Anxiety

There are many benefits to Restorative Yoga, however, one widely cited benefit is it effectiveness in soothing anxiety and stress. There are many resources online that describe what poses work for focusing on different issues. For anxiety the common poses are popular...

• Childs Pose

• Downward Dog

• Tree Pose

• Corpse Pose

• Legs up the Wall

• Supported Bridge Pose

• Happy Baby Pose

There are many more poses other than this that can be done to help with anxiety – however these ones are popular.

Restorative Yoga at Brookhaven Psychotherapy

With all the benefits, there is no wonder why Restorative Yoga might be a good choice for you. At Brookhaven Psychotherapy we offer Restorative Yoga in-house in a private relaxing room in the Burlington office. It is often used by clients in combination to talk-therapy to better treat the problem holistically. Additionally, Restorative Yoga by a registered social worker or psychotherapist is usually covered by most insurance plans!

Want to learn more? Check out our website to learn more about Restorative Yoga or contact us today if you have questions or want to book a session.

Taylor Alves

Taylor is an active and enthusiastic psychology student who contributes to Brookhaven’s blog posts and social media accounts.


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