Meet the Owner

Growing up with a mother and father who were both mental health professionals, it feels as though my career path was inevitable. I started out working in schools, hospitals and in the community, but soon realized that private practice therapy was where I could help people the most.

I have worked in the mental health field for over a decade. After hearing countless stories from my clients about their difficulty with navigating the mental health system, I created Brookhaven (aptly named after the street I grew up on): a group practice that instantly connects clients to a therapist that specializes in their specific concerns.

I firmly believes that finding the right fit between client and therapist is the most important thing in determining positive outcomes. That is the very reason my team offers free ‘meet and greets’ with each clinician so that you can be confident in your investment towards better mental health.

You are not alone. You will find your happiness again.


Tamara Daniszewski, MEd, MSW, RSW

Book a therapy session with Tamara Today!